Artificial Intelligence is turning companies upside down.

Many business models will be devalued overnight, and new ones will emerge. If you want to be relevant tomorrow, you need to make strategic decisions about using AI today. Aitava removes obstacles so that companies can take advantage of AI opportunities.

Every company needs an AI policy today.

Why an AI Policy?

ChatGPT, Dall-E, Alpaca, Copilot, Stable Diffusion and Midjourney – if your employees are using AI tools (which often starts unnoticed!), they need clear guardrails: What am I allowed to do? What do I have to? What is prohibited? Which AI products am I allowed to use internally? And in the customer context?

Companies need an adequate AI policy so that

  • Trade secrets remain protected,
  • data protection laws are complied with
  • applicable laws are observed,
  • the AI output can be used and
  • no intellectual property rights of third parties are violated.

Our consulting

We provide comprehensive support in developing, testing and tracking your AI and Data strategy. The goal is to document requirements when handling data and using artificial intelligence.

The effective protection of data and trade secrets is ultimately decided at the application level. Every mouse click counts. An AI and Data strategy is only as good as its actual implementation. Through our years of practical experience in the AI sector, we know the practical challenges and pitfalls. Aitava delivers decisive impulses. Pragmatically to the point.

AI is a management responsibility

AI deployment is a matter for executives, in two respects: On the one hand, management needs a clear understanding of the functionality and legal dimension of a planned AI deployment in order to make strategic transformation decisions. Second, important corporate decisions require extensive preparation. Here, the use of AI can serve to create an appropriate information basis – in some cases it may even be required.

Consulting at the highest level

AI and Data strategies cannot be forced into templates. Our consulting approach is to first technically understand the individual underlying technology and its opportunities and challenges for your business model. We then work with you to develop optimal strategies and solutions. We can draw on many years of technical and legal experience in the AI sector. In addition, our hand-picked network of leading minds is at your disposal – we coordinate on a project-by-project basis. Personal. Efficient.

Ready for an AI & Data Strategy?

We answer your questions.

We also consult on:

AI & Data Compliance

Even today, numerous regulations must be observed when using AI and Data. The AI Act and Data Act herald a new era in technology regulation.

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Data Sharing

Many companies are sitting on a treasure trove of data. Other companies can make use of this treasure trove of data. We help with data exchange.

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Intellectual Property and Protection of Secrets

Is it okay to train AI with other people's data? Who owns the training data? The trained system? And the prompts? We have answers and more questions.

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Liability in the Use of AI

In a world where decisions are increasingly made by AI, the damages caused by AI use are also increasing. We help you identify and mitigate liability risks.

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